张圣甲教授 (Prof. Jahng, Surng Gahb)
韩国中央大学校研究生院电子工学系 映像情报 工学博士 ,现任韩国中央大学尖端映像艺研究生院教授。是韩国影像处理尤其是电影特效教学方面的权威,他研究电影3D特效,尤其是对3D和4D的技术研究具有深厚的功底,他的很多员工都是韩国特效制作公司的精英级人物,在韩国特效制作界有着很高的声誉。
< 学历 >
1980. 3 ~ 1988. 2 |
韩国中央大学校电子工学系 工学学士 |
1988. 3 ~ 1990. 2 |
韩国中央大学校研究生院电子工学系 工学硕士 |
1996. 9 ~ 2000. 2 |
韩国中央大学校研究生院电子工学系 映像情报 工学博士 |
< 履历 >
1988. 1 ~ 1993.12 |
同仁电子开发部 课长, Micro computer programming |
1994. 1 ~ 1996.12 |
J&L SYS 董事长, Micro computer programming |
1997. 1 ~ 1999.12 |
龙仁电子系统开发室 室长, Micro computer programming |
1992. 9 ~ 1999.12 |
韩国富川大学校电脑控制科兼任教授, Theory & Experiment of computing |
1996. 9 ~ 1998.12 |
韩国首尔大学校自动控制特化硏究中心 研究员, Research of Infrared Seeker |
2000. 1 ~ 2003. 2 |
韩国中央大学校 高新映像研究生院 映像工学系 研究教授, Special Effects & Digital Media Arts |
2004. 5. ~ 2008.12 |
韩国教育部当地大学 革新力量强化事业 选定委员和评价委员 |
2005. 7 ~ 2009. 6 |
韩国教育部主管 表演和映像事业委员会 实务委员 |
2005.12. ~2009. 2 |
韩国教育部当地大学 革新力量强化事业 咨询委员 |
2003. 3 ~ 现在 |
韩国中央大学校 高新映像研究生院 映像系 教授 |
2014. 6 ~ 2016.5 |
韩国研究 財團 文化 融複合團 專門委員 |
< 学会活动 >
1. 大韩电子工学会 , 终身会员, 1997.1~现在.
2. 韩国通信学会, 终身会员, 会员委员会 干事 (2002.1.1~2002.12.3)
3. 韩国数码技术学会, 终身会员, 学术委员, 2000.6~现在
4. 韩国映像艺术学会, 会员, 2003.3 ~ 现在
5. IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 会员, 1996.9~ 现在.
6. Journal of Arts and Imaging science (TECHART), 副编辑长, 2014,01 ~ 现在
< 研究业绩记录 >
1. International papers (SCI/SSCI)
[1] H.K Hong, S.H. Han, G.P. Hong, S.G. Jahng, and J.S. Choi, “IR model of 3D aircraft for simulation of reticle seeker,” Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 333-344, 1997.
[2] Surng-Gahb Jahng, Hyun-ki Hong, Sung-hyun Han, Jong-soo Choi, “Design and analysis of improved instantaneous field of view of rosette scanning infrared seeker,” Electronics Letters, Vol. 33, No. 23, pp. 1964-1965, 1997.
[3] Surng-Gahb Jahng, Hyun-ki Hong, Sung-hyun Han, Jong-soo Choi, “Dynamic simulation of the rosette scanning infrared seeker and an IRCCM using the moment technique,” Optical Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 921-928, 1999.
[4] Surng-Gahb Jahng, Hyun-ki Hong, Jong-soo Choi, “Simulation of rosette scanning infrared seeker and counter-countermeasure using K-means algorithm,” IEICE, Vol. E82-A, No. 6, pp. 987-993, 1999.
[5] E.K. Kang, S.G. Jahng, J.S. Choi, "A new indexing method for video retrieval using the rosette pattern," IEEE Tr. Consumer Electronics, 46 (3), pp.780-784, 2000.
[6] S.G. Jahng, H.K. Hong, D.S. Seo, J.S. Choi, "New IRCCM technique using an ISODATA algorithm for the rosette scanning infrared seeker," Optical Engineering, 39 (9), pp. 2397-2404, 2000.
[7] S.H. Han, H.K. Hong, S.G. Jahng, D.S. Seo, J.S. Choi, "Target Position Extraction Based on Instantaneous Frequency Estimation in a Fixed Reticle Seeker," Optical Engineering, 39 (9), pp. 2568-2573, 2000.
[8] J.S. Oh, K.S. Doo, S.G. Jahng, D.S. Seo, J.S. Choi, "A Novel Adaptive Digital Signal Processing Algorithm for a Stationary Reticle Seeker," Optical Engineering, 39 (10), pp. 2797-2803, 2000.
[9] H.K. Hong, S.G. Jahng, K.S. Doo, J.S. Choi, S.H. Han, "Adaptive infrared counter countermeasure for two-color spinning concentric-annular-ring reticle seeker," Optical Engineering, 40(6), pp. 1093-1099, 2001.
[10] K. S. Doo, J. S. Oh, S. G. Jahng, H. K. Hong, D. S. Seo, and J. S. Choi, "Simulation of target detection at UV and IR bands," Optical Eng., Optical Engineering, 40(11), pp. 2646-2654, 2001.
[11] E. K. Kang, S. J. Kim, S .G. Jahng, and, J. S. choi , "Eminent scence change detection algorithm and new indexing method for video retrieval on MPEG sequences", Optical Engineering, 41(1), pp. 255-263, 2002.
[12] H.K. Hong, S.G. Jahng, K.S. Doo, and J.S. Choi, "Reticles - Rotating Systems", Encyclopedia of Optical Engineering, Marcel Dekker Inc., pp2431-2444, Sep., 2003.
[13] S.G. Jaghng, H.K. Hong, J.S. Choi, and S.H. Han, "Reticles - Nutating Systems", Encyclopedia of Optical Engineering, Marcel Dekker Inc., pp2417-2430, Sep., 2003.
[14] M.K. Moon, S.G. Jahng, T.Y. Kim, “A computer-assisted learning model based on the digital game exponential reward system,” TOJET, 10 (1), pp.1-14, 2011.
[15] MS Jeon, SG Jahng, “Measurement and experience of the presence by representative technique of visual interpretation in the stereopsis - In terms of stable, gradual and irregular interpretation”, TECHART: Journal of Arts and Imaging Science, Vol.1 No.2, pp 24-30, May 2014,
[16] MS Seo, SG Jahng, “The Analysis of the Visual-Effects used in the Film Pohang“, TECHART: Journal of Arts and Imaging Science , Vol. 2, No. 2, pp 44-50, 2015.
[17] YJ Ma, SG Jahng, ““Blockbusters” are also “sleepers”: a study of commercially successful movies in the Korean market”, TECHART: Journal of Arts and Imaging Science , Vol. 2, No. 3, pp 15-19, 2015.
[18] W Wang, SG Jahng, “China's Importation of Korean Variety Shows: Analysis of a Cooperative Model for Production and Content Development”, TECHART: Journal of Arts and Imaging Science, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp 31-37, 2016.
[19] MK Moon, SG Jahng, SY Park, JE Lee, “The perceptions of knowledge sharing behavior in virtual community: Using an extended social cognitive theory approach”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 11, No. 8, pp 5430-5439, 2016.
2. Korean domestic paper
[1] SG Jahng, HK Hong, SH Han, JS Choi, “A study on Design of Instantaneous Field of View of Rosette scanning Infrared seeker,” Journal of the Korea Institute of Telematics and Electronics, Vol.35 No.7, pp. 1000 - 1007, 1998.
[2] SG Jahng, HK Hong, JS Choi, “Tracking Simulation of Rosette Scanning Seeker,” Journal of the Korean institute of communication sciences, Vol.23 No.11, pp. 3068 - 3080, 1998.
[3] JS Oh, KS Doo, SG Jahng, DS Seo, JS Choi, “Acquisition Modeling of an Airborne Target for IR Target Tracking Simulation,” Journal of the Korean institute of communication sciences, Vol.24 No.8, pp. 1593 - 1600, 1999.
[4] SG Jahng, “A Study on Image Processing Techniques in the Cinema - On Optical Flow Technique Applied to Matrix Reloaded,” Association of image & film studies, Vol.4, 2004.
[5] SG Jahng, WH Lee, “A Wavelt-based Bling Watermarking Scheme Using Pixel Correlation of Low Sub-band, “Journal of the Korean institute of communication sciences, Vol.29 No.9, pp.1298-1305, 2004.
[6] TK You, SG Jahng, WH Lee, “Development of Maya Shader Plug in Based on Subsurface Scattering for Realistic Skin Rendering,” Journal of the Korean Multimedia, Vol.8 No.1, pp.88-100, 2005.
[7] JS Kim, SG Jahng, “Mosaic technique on panning video images using interpolation search,” Journal of the Korea Institute of Telematics and Electronics, Vol. 42-sp-5, pp.653-662, 2005.
[8] MS Cheon, SG Jahng, YH Chai, “Functional improvement of the three-dimensional simulating storyboard using EON tool, “ Journal of the Korean Digital Design, Vol.12, pp.468-475, 2006.
[9] JY Hwang, YM Lim, SG Jahng, JW Park, “Interactive animation by Action recognition,“ Journal of the Korea Contents Society, Vol.6 No.12, pp.269-277, 2006.
[10] HJ Seong, SG Jahng, HK Kim, “A Study on possibility in video performance as a new type of Art,” Journal of the Korean Media, Vol.8 No.1, pp.45-59, 2009.
[11] SG Jahng, JY Lee, “The study on the institutional context of game rating system-focused on the US, Japan, Korea-“, Journal of The Korean Society for Computer Game, Vol.25 No.2, pp 137-146, 2012.
[12] MS Jeon, SG Jahng, “Analysis of 3D film spectators - Focused on presence effect at films <Pacific Rim> and <The Great Gatsby> -“, Arts and Media, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp-234-252, 2013.
[13] SG Jahng, DB Kim, “ The East Asian Imagination and Strenthening of Masculinity within the Field of Nationalism”, Association of Image & Film Studies, Vol.25, pp 169-196, 2014.
[14] MK Moon, SG Jahng, “An integrative review of scientific analysis and application on Hyegang Choi Han-Ki’s human-evaluation theory-The relationships between human-evaluation and self-regulation variables in smart -phone addiction scale-“, Arts and Media, Vol.14, No. 1, pp 113-132, 2015.
[15] YJ Ma, SG Jahng, “Study on the development path of Chinese cultural policy - Focusing on cultural policies between 1978 and 2016”, Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2017.
3. Book
[1] SG Jahng, “Special Effects Story hidden in Cinema “, Chung Ang Univ. Press Co., 2007.
4. Cinemas
[1] <Shit! – Be Quiet!!>, Supervising Producer, BUDi, 2006.
[2] <Shut up>, Supervising Producer, Dukwon Gallery in Korea, 2006.
[3] <Pointillism>, Supervising Producer, Dukwon Gallery in Korea, 2006.
[4] <Why does he smile?>, Supervising Producer, Dukwon Gallery in Korea, 2006.
[5] <Magic show>, Supervising Producer, Dukwon Gallery in Korea, 2006.
[6] <Drawing Paper>, Technical supervisor, Busan International Film Festival, 2007.
[7] <Riverside Expressway>, Technical supervisor, Busan International Film Festival, 2007.
[8] <Nowhere To Turn>, Technical supervisor, Busan International Film Festival, 2007.
[9] <The Pot>, Technical supervisor, Busan International Film Festival, 2008.
[10] <Seven Superheroes VS Monster F>, 3D Animation Director, ASIANA International Short Film Festival, 2008.
[11] <Specters of the New World>, Technical supervisor, Busan International Film Festival, 2009.
[12] <Yogurt Lady>, Technical supervisor, Hawaii International Film Festival, 2010.
[13] <Affair>, Technical supervisor, Asia-Pacific Film Festival, 2010.
[14] <3mm>, Technical supervisor, Mise-en-scene Short Film Festival, 2010.
[15] <I want to own you>, Technical supervisor, Goyang International University & Youth Film Festival, 2011.
[16] <The confidence of love (believe or not)>, Technical supervisor, JeonJu International Film Festival, 2011.
[17] <Silent Mountain>, Technical supervisor, Villeurbanne International Film Festival, 2011.
[18] <The Heat Transfer>, Technical supervisor, ASIANA International Short Film Festival, 2011.
[19] <Routine>, Technical supervisor, Busan International Short Film Festival, 2012.
[20] <Own Line>, Technical supervisor, Busan International Short Film Festival, 2013.
[21] <A Blooming Railroad>, Technical supervisor, Seoul Independent Film Festival, 2013.
[22] <It’s Real it’s real>, Technical supervisor, Jecheon International Music&Film Festival, 2014.
[23] <Before the Moving>, Technical supervisor, Busan International Film Festival, 2014.
[24] <Master>, Technical supervisor, Daejeon Indipendent Film Festival, 2014.
[25] <A Place Left Behind>, Technical supervisor, Busan International Film Festival, 2015.
[26] <The Best Director>, Technical supervisor, Busan International Film Festival, 2015.
[27] <Fashion Film>, Technical supervisor, JeonBuk Independent Film Festival, 2016.
5. Patents
[1] SJ Jahng, HK Hong, JS Choi, <The image Indexing and retrieval method using the rosette pattern for the improvement of retrieval efficiency and performance>, USA patent 6795591, 2001.
[2] SJ Jahng, HK Hong, JS Choi, <The clustering method for rosette scan images>, USA patent 6807307, 2001.
[3] SJ Jahng, HJ Roh, <Device for Aroma Spraying Controlled by Control Signals Inserted to Music Storage Media>, Korea Patent 200260816 (2002.01.03).
[4] SJ Jahng, HK Hong, JS Choi, <Method for constructing of 2D image mosaics using quasi feature point>, Korea Patent 100395075 (2003.08.05).
[5] SJ Jahng, HK Hong, JS Choi, <Mobile Communication Terminal Including Function of Infrared Ray Integrated Remote Controller>, Korea Patent 200241180 (2001.07.23).
[6] SJ Jahng, HK Hong, JS Choi, <Web based interactive mobile game system>, Korea Patent 200243590 (2001.08.08).
[7] SJ Jahng, HK Hong, JS Choi, <System For Anti-Theft And Fault Isolation Of Vehicle Using Handsfree Device>, Korea Patent 200243990 (2001.08.10).
[8] SJ Jahng, HK Hong, JS Choi, <Clustering Method for Rosette Scan Image>, Korea Patent 100374323 (2003.02.18).
[9] SJ Jahng, EK Kang, JS Choi, <Method for Image Indexing and Image Retrieval Using the Rosette Scan Pattern for Improvement of Retrieval Efficiency and Retrieval Performance>, Korea Patent 100338083 (2002.05.13).
[10] SJ Jahng, HJ Roh, <Method and Device for Interactive Controlling Receiver using Control Signal embed in Audio Signal>, Korea Patent 100389161 (2003.06.14).
[11] SJ Jahng, HJ Roh, <Aroma Alarm clock>, Korea Patent 200209554 (2000.10.28).